Why Professional Athletes Are Getting Hooked on Pickleball

Pickleball, a sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, is rapidly gaining popularity among professional athletes from various sports. This surge in interest is driven by several factors, including the sport's accessibility, competitive nature, and social environment. In this article, we will explore why athletes are gravitating toward pickleball and highlight some prominent examples of those who have become hooked on the game.

The Appeal of Pickleball for Professional Athletes

Accessibility and Low Impact

Pickleball is less physically demanding than many other sports, making it particularly appealing to retired athletes looking to stay active without the intense physical strain. The smaller court and slower pace reduce the risk of injury while still providing a good workout. This accessibility is a key factor in attracting athletes who have spent years dealing with the physical toll of professional sports.

Competitive Edge

Professional athletes thrive on competition, and pickleball offers them a new arena to channel their competitive spirit. The game requires strategic thinking, quick reflexes, and precision, all of which resonate with athletes who have honed these skills over their careers. The opportunity to compete and excel in a new sport is a significant draw.

Social and Community Aspect

Pickleball is known for its social nature, encouraging interaction and camaraderie both on and off the court. This community aspect is very appealing to athletes used to the team environment. The sport provides a platform for athletes to reconnect with a sense of community and teamwork.

Continued Engagement with Sports

For athletes who have retired from their primary sport, pickleball offers a way to continue engaging in competitive sports. It allows them to stay connected to the sporting community and even transition into new roles, such as coaching or mentoring, within the pickleball sphere.

Examples of Athletes Hooked on Pickleball

Nick Foles

Former NFL quarterback and Super Bowl MVP Nick Foles has made a significant impact in the pickleball world. After not finding a spot on an NFL roster in 2023, Foles took up pickleball and excelled quickly, winning gold medals in mixed doubles and men's doubles at the PPA Finals in San Clemente, California​.

Drew Brees

Retired New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees is an avid pickleball player and has invested in a Major League Pickleball (MLP) team, the Mad Drops Pickleball Club. Brees's involvement in the sport extends beyond playing, as he aims to elevate the profile of pickleball through his investment and participation in charity events​.

Golden Tate

The former NFL wide receiver Golden Tate has also embraced pickleball, competing in men's doubles tournaments. His participation highlights the sport's growing appeal among athletes from various sports backgrounds​​.

Tom Brady and Kevin Durant

These current and former professional athletes have invested in Major League Pickleball teams. Their investments signal confidence in the sport's potential for growth and its appeal to a broad audience, including sports enthusiasts and casual players alike​.

Why Athletes Are Drawn to Pickleball

The reasons professional athletes are drawn to pickleball can be summarized as follows:

  • Physical Adaptability: Pickleball is less physically demanding than sports like football or basketball, making it an attractive option for athletes looking to stay active post-retirement.

  • Mental Challenge: The sport requires strategic gameplay, which keeps the athletes mentally engaged and allows them to leverage their competitive nature.

  • Social Interaction: The social aspect of pickleball provides a sense of community and camaraderie, reminiscent of the team environments they are used to.

  • New Opportunities: Investing in and promoting pickleball opens new avenues for athletes, from business ventures to community engagement and philanthropy.

As pickleball continues to grow, it's likely that even more professional athletes will join the ranks, further popularizing the sport and enhancing its competitive and social dimensions. This trend not only boosts the sport's profile but also enriches the community with the experiences and insights of seasoned athletes.


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